Conference on denatality: the first child enters 36 years


During the conference ”Few children: choice or need?”, promoted by SIMR, the Italian Society of Reproductive Medicine, it has been shown that only the 30% of Italian women, who is aged between today 30-34 years, had the first child by 28 years, in the same cohort were 80% 20 years ago and the estimate of births tends to 1,3 children for woman.
These and other data have been disclosed, from the study carried out on a demographic survey on 4.800 Italian women aged between i 20 e i 49 years.
”The increase in births registered in recent years (520 thousand per year) – said Paolo De Sandre, demographer at the University of Padua – e’ only the reflection of the demographic boom of '64 (a million 54 thousand born in the year) who did yes’ that today there are more women in age’ fertile”.
The factors that favor postponing the birth of the first child among the 30 e i 40 years, I am the postponement of marriage remember that in Italy the 6% of children born out of wedlock, against the 30% of France, the 40% England, and beyond the 50% of Sweden. L’instability in work, i economic factors, l’uncertainty for the future of the unborn and the sterility. The family unit is very different than in 20 fa. You stay at home with your parents even with a stable job. In the north, in fact, 87% of males and 65% of the females among the 25-34 years, against the 65% and the 27% al sud.
Fertility, in other words, or the prediction of how many children women want, for females of 20-24 years of age e’ of 2,1 sons (1,9 to the north e 2,3 al sud). The generation it has today 45-49 years has two children per woman, the one between 30-34 1,7 and waiting for the twentysomethings and’ of 1,3.
”This data – said De Sandre – takes into account the behavior of Italian women in the last 20 years”. Result: the birth rate- mortality e’ less than one, even if the migratory movement compensates for this data. Conversely, abortions decrease, 0,3 for woman, and women who are married with children are the ones who stop the pregnancy.

Ignazio DRUDI's report from the University of Bologna, re-proposed the theme that appeared in the press about consumption per child. He reaffirmed in concrete terms that an unfamiliar family, with the arrival of one or more children, he had to bear heavy economic burdens which were directly proportional, by duration, at the age when the first child was born. An adult son with no job and university, always according to these studies, it came to cost about 2 millions per month.

Another significant fact concerns the age at which the ability to procreate in women decreases. ” The decrease in fertility recorded in recent years – Domenico GALATI stated, gynecologist specialist and SIMR secretary- led us to investigate the causes. Epidemiology indicates that starting from the 36th year of age, there is a sharp drop in fertility and this without there being a determinable objective factor” .

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