Depression is not’ true that it is a predominantly female evil. The relationship between the two sexes , in recent times, e’ of 1:1.

Men tend to justify everything with the same and reluctantly admit to being depressed.

E’ what emerges from the data recently disclosed in Milan in a conference on depression, psychiatrists Paolo Morselli and Alberto Petracca present, organized by the Institute for Research and Prevention of Depression and Anxiety (IDEA).

The Depression, e’ been pointed out, it is not’ be a while’ down', but a real debilitating and recurrent chronic pathology, economically and socially important, as it causes absences from work, abandonment of social life, family problems and self-destructive acts, until suicide, in the most serious cases.

At the base there is an alteration of organic origin (e’ a biochemical imbalance of some neurotransmitters), treatable in 90% of cases with a diagnosis
early and adequate drug therapy. ”In Italy there are approx 5 millions of depressed – Morselli specified -. its 100, 60 they are not diagnosed. of 40 remaining, the 42% does not undergo any therapy, the 30% receives non therapy
appropriate”. Strait e’ the depression-suicide link.
According to the data presented, the 15% of sick and untreated subjects, or cared for badly, come to take their own lives. Suicide e’ more’ male (3 times more’ frequent).
The problem in adolescents takes on worrying proportions.

About the 60% of bipolar forms (moments of depression alternating with states of euphoria) have their first manifestations among the 14 e i 16 years according to recent epidemiological studies. The Depression, especially in these cases, if not diagnosed in time, can he’ lead to drug addiction (20%) or to suicide, these continuously increasing and in second place as a cause of death among adolescents among 13-18 years. It is comprensible, how then the economic and social costs of depression become very high.
The data in Italy are still insufficient, but in an investigation carried out in 1990 in Piedmont it is estimated that direct costs (specialistic examinations, treatments, admissions) have been of 58 billion. The indirect costs are instead due to the absenteeism of the patient, poor performance at work, to family involvement, addiction.

According to the IDEA Scientific Association, born in 1993, prejudices and fears dominate. ”There is’ the widespread belief that the anxiolytic is harmless, while the antidepressant generates addiction – Petracca explained -. E’ exactly the opposite”.

Concluding, according to the Idea setting, the drug e’ necessary in all cases of acute episodes of depression. Subsequently, the patient may undergo interpersonal or cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy. Psychoanalysis is not recommended and not suitable for those who require immediate intervention.

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