ROMA – Against the unified text being examined in Parliament on medically assisted procreation, the association wishes, in some cities, distribute the DIY kit box as a protest’ for artificial insemination. To explain it e’ was the president of Arcilesbica, Titti De Simone, who specified that they are already’ the first children born in Italy, of the 'DIY kit', of which the anonymity is obviously rigorously defended. ”As’ to lesbians it is not’ in fact it is possible to access the seed banks – explained De Simone – all that remains is to find the donors personally”.

The bill on medically assisted procreation in art. 5 expected (Subjective requirements) 1. Without prejudice to the provisions of art. 4, comma 1, couples of adults over 18 can access medically assisted procreation techniques, married or permanently linked by coexistence, in a potentially fertile age and in any case not exceeding 52 years.

Normally insemination occurs with sexual intercourse but some couples, explained De Simone, have successfully used the kit. The children were born from the DIY kit’ within lesbian couples, but also heterosexuals. Sperm donors have often been friends with couples, Furthermore’ homosexuals. ”A couple from Bologna – De Simone continued - he has in fact chosen to leave Italy to deal with more’ serenity’ the birth of the child and raise him better”.

According to Arcilesbica, homosexual couples who decide to have a child have difficulty, especially in social acceptance.

The difficulty in accessing the sperm banks, has prompted the association to put in place a brochure on the main precautions to be taken regarding the conservation of sperm, with indications on the times to be respected, from the moment of donation.

The self-seeding operation does not involve particular difficulties’ compared to that of insemination, but it is necessary to prevent the seed from spoiling.

In England, English writer Lisa Saffron was published, a booklet (”Getting Pregnant Our Own Way”) on how to make a child alone.

It caused a sensation in December 1995 the case of an English woman from 23 years after having ”autoinseminata” gave birth to a baby girl.

We speak of a second case in 1997. A lesbian who lives with her partner, injecting into the uterus, with a normal syringe, donor sperm recruited through an advertisement for five pounds, 13 Thousand lire approximately’ to have a baby girl.


Until now, only cases of children born with the same system abroad have been known, now we know that this has also happened in Italy.

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